About Me

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South Lake Tahoe, CA, United States
My life is my daughter and here are our stories! But as most of you know my family has grown to three. Our new addition is a baby boy! Skyler, who is on his way.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

At Papa and Hannama's

Once again it has been to long sense my last post but a lot has been going on. Work, school and everyday life!

I also spent some time at my dad and Rhonda's house watching there animals while the two of them went deer hunting. It was very nice to have some alone time and to be in a different environment. Lily loved being around the animals and would walk around saying, "meow...meow" while chasing the poor cat and also gave Dolly, the puppy, a hard time by pulling on her ears. Not hard enough to cause harm but it did hurt I am sure. Sorry Dolly! In the living room of their house there was a hat that Lily seamed to love almost as much as the animals and she would wear it for a long time it was really cute.
Another thing I was able to do while enjoying our time at Papa and Hanna's was cook for Lily and I. Something I don't do that often because my mommy cooks for us most of the time. Anyway, while I would be cooking Lily would have to find things to entertain herself and at one point it was putting the spices in the dishwasher. She discovers the cupboard with off the spices in it, how to open and close the dishwasher and load them in. It was pretty funny. But don't worry Dad and Hanna I was sure to put them all back and not to let her wash them! :-)
Thanks for having us over, we are happy to hang with the animals anytime.


Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

LMAO soooo funny. that hat is too much and the spices in the dishwasher had me rolling!


i love you!

Unknown said...

hey Sarah,
i love reading about you and Lily. i also love her photos she is so cute. well you guys sound and look good. my brother said he saw you guys at apple hill i think.

Jason said...

Thats a pretty cute kid you got there...ill be sure to keep her away from our dishwasher.