November has been a crazy month of relocating and establishing residency her in Oregon. I feel as though I have been going 100 mph and running in circles. However finally the dust has settled and life is seaming some what normal. All the finding of doctors, schools/day cares, work, stores and my way around town have come to a comfortable place and I feel life slowing down. Just in time for the holidays of course. Being away from home has been emotional for me but we have in a way
Now that we are home and back to everyday life the pace has picked up a bit. I have finally started my new teaching position at Peace Learning Center and am happy to be back working with children. Not to mention saving money on day care costs. I am teaching in the toddler room on Mondays and Tuesdays and in the 2 1/2- 3 1/2 room with both Braden and Lily on Fridays. Meaning I get
But now that it is already December I can not wait to return home to Tahoe and see my family for a few days. Lily and I have been preparing for this trip for some time now and I cant wait. However I am also very excited to have our first Christmas here in Oregon as a family.