About Me

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South Lake Tahoe, CA, United States
My life is my daughter and here are our stories! But as most of you know my family has grown to three. Our new addition is a baby boy! Skyler, who is on his way.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Communication is such an important part of life and it just amazes me that we all start as tiny little infants that don't know how to talk, express our feeling, want or need, or really do much of anything other that eat, sleep, poop, cry and of course grow. There is nothing else in life that is as rewarding as watching your child develop into her own individual person. Lily has stolen every ounce of heart and brings so much joy to my life I could not ever imagine life without her. Just in the past 3-4 months she has began to truly speak and like I had mentioned in one of my first post her communication skills and vocabulary are growing the latest are: book, good girl (but sounds like goo goo), thank you (with the baby sign), night night, moo, baa, la la la, Lily, obachan (bama), rose (ose), no no, please (pease), dog dog, go, car, meow, more and lots of not understandable babel. It almost seams like everyday there is a new word but I cant seam to think of the all so I'll have to get better at writing them down or posting them.

Still one of her favorite things to do is reading and she is so funny about. If you sit down she will walk over to her shelf say book, look at the row of the and actually be looking for a particular one. Her favorite ones are by the same author, Sandra Boynton, and are Doggies and Moo, Baa, La La La. Hence the fact the she is saying all of those words. She has everyone read these books to her so much that if you are lucky enough to catch her sitting at her little table in the living room, which use to be roses, without her seeing you, you will find her reading the books out loud to herself. She knows what page goes with what sound. In Doggies she reads " Dog Dog, ...nnn...nnn...nnn and AAAA-OOOOOOOO, all dog noises on her favorite pages in the book. And of course in the other she reads moo with the cow, ba with the sheep, and la la la with the 3 singing pigs.

Something else I have just been amazed with is a child's ability to sleep in the most uncomfortable looking position and places or some through so really loud noises. When Lily falls asleep in the car or in the stroller or something her head falls forward and if it were my head I would have one huge kink. Another is in her crib...she wiggles so much and ends up all over, sideways, but in the air, head at the foot, face smashed into the rails and feet hanging out. What!!! If this was one of us adults, for sure we would have woken up.


Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

LMAO..."BAMA" as in Obama?! That is soooo funny! I guess Obachan is a tough one to get out!

Noah likes to sleep with his head hanging down too...it scares me sometimes and does look sooooo uncomfortable!

i can't wait to see her reading and singing. that is too cute!

keep up the good work mama!

Unknown said...

Her vocabulary is nearly equal to mine now. I give it 6 months before she is smarter than me.

She gets ,more adorable every time I see her.

TheEllis3 said...

what i would give to sleeeep like that!!!

Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...


or should i say

MO, MO, MO, Mo, MO, MO