About Me

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South Lake Tahoe, CA, United States
My life is my daughter and here are our stories! But as most of you know my family has grown to three. Our new addition is a baby boy! Skyler, who is on his way.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Still Catching!!!!!

With catching in mind I thought I would share with all of you something Lily and I have begun to enjoy very much, Fishing! It had been a long time sense I had been fish until I went with my boyfriend and his family to Sawmill Pound. A small pound here on the South Shore that is stocked full of trout and only for children to fish in. Together with the family and some friends there was 15 kids, 14 adults and lots of fish. We never did that again, however Stevie, his kids, Lily and myself have continued to fish in other place throughout the summer. Places that us adults can fish too.

This leads us to one day when Stevie, Lily and I were out fishing and as the day unfolded I could hear Krystal's vice in my head..."you see pictures that would make a great blog," and that is what happened.

The three of us gathered all of our gear one morning and headed out to Eco Lake. From the moment we got there and put the line in the water the fish were biting. This of course led to a lot of casting and reeling ...to Lily throwing and pulling. So excited and wanting to do it to Lily tried to look over the side of the dam, unable to see what was going on on the other side, she looked at me, then her sippy cup, then took a few step back and threw her cup into the Lake. Unfortunately we were fishing off of a dam. So retrieving this cup was not going to be an easy task. Needles to say mommy spent the next 10-15 minutes fishing for a sippy cup. Lucky for Lily the dam's wall is short and I'm a determined women, it took several attempts but I was able to get the cup when it reach the other side of the dam. We caught many fish that day and brought them home for dinner.

Things like this have become much more fun now that Lily is walking and has her own way of communicateing and interacting. Not that I did not have fun when she was a baby but watching her play and have fun is much more satisfying then just holding her. I'm sure it is more enjoyable for her as well. She definitely likes to partake in everything that mommy is doing, it all part of the learning experience I guess :-)

1 comment:

Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

LMAO! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...i love the pics of lily, lily and her cup, lily with out her cup and the cup in the water!

she is TOTALLY your daughter and THAT was a funny story...totally blog worthy!

:) can i come fishing too next time!?